What is Boudoir Photography?
Sometimes I get calls from ladies who just want to know, “What is Boudoir Photography, anyways?” Boudoir is a French word with a rough translation of “a woman’s bedroom or private sitting room“. In photography, it describes personal photography of a woman for her husband, partner, significant other or maybe even just for herself! A woman changes so much throughout her lifetime and it’s nice to have this particular moment in time captured professionally.

Is that nude photography?
Well, no, not necessarily; It can be any outfit you like, it can even be a little white tank top and a pair of bikini panties. But it can be nude, if you want it to be and it’s tastefully posed. There are also images called “implied nudes” that either look like you’re nude, but you’re not or perhaps you are nude, but the important parts are hidden by the pose itself. A well placed arm, leg, etc hides the details and really gets the imagination flowing!
Isn’t that only for young, thin girls?
Absolutely not! The truth is that most women are way more beautiful than they think they are, regardless of their shape or size. When your significant other tells you how beautiful and sexy you are, believe them. They can see you from different angles than you see yourself in the mirror.
Sexy is for EVERY body, honey. It is an attitude and a mindset. Lingerie is available in all sizes!

So, who is a good candidate for boudoir photography?
A woman who is 18 – 80, although my eldest client to date was only 75. There is no age restriction on “feeling sexy”!
A woman who is looking for a special gift for Valentine’s day, a birthday, anniversary or any other occasion. Let’s face it – he’s hard to buy for and you’re getting a little tired of always giving him gift certificates. Knock his socks off with a custom designed photo book full of photos of you!
A woman who needs a confidence boost and proof of how sexy she really is! We’ve all compare ourselves to celebrities and models in magazines, but it’s certainly not fair when they all have professional photographers with professional equipment and retouching skills, taking their photos and showing them in the best possible light. Now, you can have the same thing!
A woman who wants to celebrate a recent weight loss, make-over or other body changing milestone. Let’s face it – that was hard! Celebrate your success with a memento that will last a lifetime, a book of you.
A woman who is confident in her body and wants to capture forever how hot she looks right now! Trust me ladies – age (and gravity) is inevitable, so create a keepsake for yourself. Are you saying to yourself, “I should’ve done that 10 years ago.” Really? What do you think you will be saying 10 years from now?
A couple who is looking for some beautiful art pieces for their walls. Sensual fine art couples photography is increasingly popular!